Saturday, October 14, 2006

Borland C++

The haze getting worse this few days. Kinda fell sick yesterday. Was trying to undersstand more about file writing and reading with Borland c++. Then suddenly have this idea to create a programme which encrypt messages and one more to decode it. Realising it's useful as i can blog with the encrypted version now n complain more as others will no be able to see it. Only those whom i give the decrypting programme will be able to read. Wakakaka.. can complain more now!!

And so here's an encrypted message which i wrote last night:

g*c * a*c ekt snc*x, rmddyhmf *mc rmddyhmf, mn o*r*q l*k*l? mn rpt*rg? mn a*rjdsa*kk? rjhoodc lddshmf,, ats l*m*fdc sn bnld nts vhsg sghr dmbqxoshnm, Il rn bkdudq.. g*g*,,ohmjx a*j* r*qd.. h knud jk kdmf kthr.... xd*g,, ehm*kkx fns eqddcnl sn r*x c..

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