Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It's 4am

It's funny how life twist and turn like a roller coaster which overlap itself again and again in many different directions. Funny how we sometimes run into someone else's trail and stay there for sometime longer than we thought. Or sometimes we try to force our way into other's ride, and ended up with bruises and cuts. Funny how sometimes we also prefer to just ride side by side brushing against each other and enjoy the short but sparkling moments despite the truth that we'll never cross each others trail riding parallel like this.

Amazingly, we loose our directions so often but we never once fail to find our way back.

We always thought that we are the one steering our ride, but many times we prefer to just lay back and ride on wherever the trail is bringing us to. Until we reach a barricade where we can no longer go forward yet too late to turn back, we'll start blaming the trail itself. We'll sulk and do nothing about it. We'll wait and wait and wait for rescue which is not going to happen.

Some people just stuck there for the rest of their life. Some lucky ones, might have an opportunity to reach the end of the ride. Yet, not every ending is happy and fulfilling. More often than not, it's merely a not so happy ending.

Nah, i dun even noe wut i'm crapping about.. Sorry for wasting your time reading my weird thoughts..

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