Wednesday, May 02, 2007

12:35am, time for me to go to bed and rest my eyes since tmr hv to wake up early for coq pre-registration. My friends are all done with coq. but i still hv 1 sem left. woke up late during the pre-reg 2 sems ago and did not get my place the following sem. Kinda enjoy that sem watching my rummie go for coq at night while i can stay in the room watching series. But it's pay back time now i guess. Karma? lol..

I have this prob with my eyes, it tends to get watery and reddish easily. And in UTP, all i do is stare at my laptop for hours. Not that i want to, but everything we do have to be associated with it. Be it studying lecture notes, reports, preparing presentation, watch drama, dota, chat.. whatever it is, you have to have your eyes fix on the screen. And the consequences is of cuz having big black panda eyes with huge eye bags. So much for my eyes.. N now i hv to put on my specs in lectures. that day while i was flipping through the astro channel on tv, i kinda squeeze my eyes to read the info in the blue column at the bottom of the screen. I used to be able to read that comfortably without effort. Only then i realise my eyes are really getting worse by the days. Mayb someone should invent some equipments to help you see through your nose? Then i might be able to close my eyes and still see the world outside. Or maybe i might have to use my mouth to breathe then since my nose is occupied with seeing things.

Sometimes i admire my rummie, he hardly sleeps, he can still look so energetic even if he sleeps at 3am n wake up at 8 the next morning. What makes that so admirable is that it;s not for one night, but it's for 3-4 days continuously. i mean, which creature on earth can withstand that amount of hours filled with work with so little sleep? Another thing i admire most is his ability to sleep as soon as his head touches the pillow. Since young, i have this problem with sleeping where you are so so tired you wish you could sleep immediately but your mind just wouldn't give way. And the more you force yourself to sleep, the harder it is to actually fall asleep. One of my childhood dreams is to invent a pill to defy the need of sleeping. i heard that there's one out there right now, it was invented for military purpose at 1st. But it turned commercialised soon enough when they realise the incredibly huge demand in today's world. Heard that there's no side-effect. maybe i will get one to try on someday. Or more appropriately put, i might NEED one someday.

It's always at night like this that i'll get more and more emo by the second. Knowing that i am tired and need rest but yet i choose to blog. Choose to stay awake. It's hard to explain how i'm feeling right now. It's as if you just don't want to waste the night itself by going to bed because the next moment you open your eyes again, it'll be of a different day all over. It's like there's something you don't wish to let go. Something that i can't really make out, but it's definitely of great importance to me. Maybe it's just the mood that i'm having now, or perhaps the peace at night. Maybe someday i'll figure out that missing link. Or perhaps it'll remain a secret unknown for the rest of my life..

Ouh.. its raining outside. good time for bed. nitez..

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