Monday, April 28, 2008

Daylight Robbers

N so i was greeted by Mr.Sun this morning.. Image486

The sun just rose when i exit UTP gate to Jelapang for renewal of my passport. It took about 3 hours plus and i conclude that as high efficiency since well, it's Malaysia rite?

And on my way back, was trailing behind this truck, where at one point he slowed down and signaled left signalling for me to overtake, reflects took over, signaled right, cut out and whoops.. No, not accident, but there's two creature in uniform flagging me right on the spot. Caught in action, it's a double line.

After taking my IC n Licence, n the whole fake i'm-gonna-give-u-a-ticket talk, the conversation went like this:

Pak Hodoh: "Ini double line tau? kalau saman 300, lepas sebulan u gi rayuan, mungkin lepas diskaun 200. ok?"

Me: "jangan la boss. I ingat truck depan problem sbb dia signal nak masuk, bukan saje-saje nak overtake ni."

Pak Hodoh: "Eh.. x boleh..x boleh.. u ckp dgn office nanti bila rayu la. 200 boleh kot." den after pausing a while, he continued "ok?"(mcb!!)

So i peek into my wallet, n fuck, after paying 300 for the passport renewal, i'm left with only rm7, took out the rm7 look at him, "boleh x?"

Pak Hodoh:"ini 300 la, u ingat men2 ka? 7 ringgit mana cukop?"

I remember i kept some money in my car in case i forget my wallet, n so i searched, n shoot, only 4 bucks left.. So 4+7=11. I flashed that rm11 n gave him an innocent smile as best as i could. "10 ringgit boleh x?"

Pak Hodoh:"U tanya boss sana la, 10 cukop makan x?"

Me:"Boss, i student ma, betul tak ada lagi la. Ini saja yg ada."

Pak Hodoh:"Bawa siket je duit ni macam mana you nak balik nanti? Petrol sudah pam ke? Dah makan lom?"

Me:"Petrol ada, baru pam, la ni yang tinggal, boleh la?"

N many lines of conversation persuading him this is the only money left, which i'll omit here.. N finally,

Pak hodoh:"Okla, u student, i amek duit ni sebab u nak belanja eh? Jalan.."

Me:"okok, thank you a.. Sorry ye.."

Pak Hodoh:" perlahan-lahan ya.. jaga-jaga ye.."

Me:"ya ok ok.."

N fuck, i'm broke. fucking day light robbers squeeze even the very last drop of my money. DAMN YOU SHITHOLE!!

#1 Art of survival u gotta learn in malaysia-bribery n corruption!! It rocks!!

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