Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Shooting star in movies

They say i need to sleep but sleep ain't coming to me.

Movie. People don't stay in the cinema any longer once the end appeared. Whether u like the movie or not, in the end, u'll leave cause that's what people do. Can't say you wish the hero to live longer, or the fight to last longer, or the romance to erupt further, it has to end because it reached that 1.5 hours limit.

There are times when you really love the movie so much, that even if it's a happy ending, u still wish there wouldn't be an ending at all just because you enjoyed it so much that you're not willing to end that fun time.

N there are times, the end pop up so suddenly that you turn around and ask your friends "that's it??" N yeah, that's all. Probably feel hanging in the middle, not going anywhere n it's kinda disappointment since u expected more. Anyhow, you know you'll certainly pick a better movie next time.

N there are also times where the hero or heroin dies, or the two just didn't end up together, you probably might feel down or cry over it perhaps, but after crying you'll probably love how the sad ending magnify the beauty of it further. N perhaps it'll stick to your memory for quite some time.

N lastly, the worse case, the movie ended and you just don't feel a thing at all. Simply wasted 1.5 hours, 10 bucks for the tix n perhaps more for popcorns n a coke, n lots of concentration. wakaka..

Haha.. crap.. This is the most random post ever due to frequent insomnia, sorry folks, wasted your time reading my bullshits.

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