Friday, June 06, 2008

Me and My Watch

I own a rip-curl surfer's watch as a birthday gift 5 years ago. It stays with me and went through all my exams and interview sessions since then.


People use to ask me why am i wearing a belt watch rather than a metal chained one, and there are times when i feel like owning one of those chained watches as i see some really elegant ones in the malls. But this old faithful watch of mine seems so versatile that i never get a chance to change to a new one at all. I've dropped it, smashed it with my car door, bath with it, and it always survives no matter what.

Of course, i've changed its belt a couple of times, as they worn out after a year or so. The batteries too, changed a couple of times now, but the watch itself, it works just fine.

What's the problem of wearing a belt watch? Watches used to play it's role in representing a man's ego, portraying his personality, class, status and achievements. Does it really matters? A billionaire doesn't bring along with him a billion dollar wherever he goes, but he just has that something which makes him appeal to the rest as a billionaire.

And nowadays, u'll never know who owns that biggie and who's just another bragged ass hole who's only loud in boasting basing on appearance solely. It's dangerous to judge a book by its cover.

And guess what, as i was flipping through the newspaper, i saw this article and found out that all the big shots wear belt watches. Hyped.

The world is changing. The trend is changing. And i love my watch.


1) Chelsea's One in a Million- Roman Abramovich wears plastic digital model.


2)THE PRESIDENT- Tony Blair with swatch.


3) THE WARLORD- Bush with budget model.

*pictures above abstracted from The Stars.


Ohkulala said...

you are now lol :)

bennysia said...

haven haven. launching soon, 16 June 08. wait for that ok.